Thursday, 21 June 2012

Term 3- 'One Island Under CCTV' site specific performance based on 'The Tempest"

 Character inspiration- all the characters in our performance were based on birds found in the city
 Miranda- inspired by magpies- "one for sorrow, two for joy"

 Costume Designs for Miranda and Ferdinand (magpies), Prospero (crow), Caliban (pigeon) and Ariel ( peregrine)

Models of Location
Location for performance- Victoria shopping centre and old Victoria railway Station in Nottingham
Above- Model of abandoned 'Mansfield Tunnel'- setting for Prospero's lair.
Below- Model of part of car park- setting for Caliban's Den

Storyboarding- 'One Island under CCTV"

Above- Our concertina storyboard that shows moments in our performance. Images are a combination of hand drawn, collages and photoshop techniques.
The audience are filmed throughout the performance to portray the idea of Prospero's power.  Above- the audience are invited to peer into nests that have cctv cameras in. 

Miranda and Ferdinand when they first meet outside Mansfield Tunnel

Miranda asleep outside of 'Mansfield Tunnel' 

Pretty Puppets

We decided to take some better quality photographs of our puppets, in case they get thrown away over the summer!!! Here they are in all their glory...